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Migrating from v3 to v4

Why is it important to update?

Version 3 becomes deprecated and unsupported since v4 is released.
New features and bug fixes will be pushed only to v4.

usePhoneInput return properties renamed

  • phone is renamed to inputValue
  • e164Phone is renamed to phone

Now phone stands for E.164 formatted phone, and inputValue stands for string that is rendered inside input element.


The hook still returns the phone value, but its value purpose has been changed.
Please update values if you were using usePhoneInput hook.

Added support for multiple masks per country

Now country format mask can be dynamic, so country data type have been changed. You can check the new Country Data Type.

Switched to E.164 format

Now onChange callback returns phone in E.164 format by default. New phone return value was also provided to usePhoneInput hook. E.164 format phone returned in callback even if disabledDialCodeAndPrefix was set to true.

Second argument of onChange callback is now an object

onChange callback type is changed:
Before: (phone: string, country: CountryIso2) => void
After: (phone: string, data: { country: ParsedCountry, inputValue: string }) => void.

The second argument is now an object that contains additional information about the phone.

usePhoneInput now returns country object

usePhoneInput returns a parsed country object instead of iso2 code.
Check updated usePhoneInput API reference here.

CountrySelectorDropdown item id updated

Dropdown item ids are now prefixed with the library name to avoid id conflicts: react-international-phone__${iso2}-option
Before: id="ua-option"
After: id="react-international-phone__ua-option"

FlagEmoji has been renamed to FlagImage

Since the flag component can render custom images, it is not necessarily an emoji.
Please update component name if you used it.